I applied for a scholarship to do postgrad studies and got accepted but (there is always a big fat BUT) ...Im not eligible. As plain as it is. And its all cause of this darn NZ Citizenship I inherited from my father. Well, I've gotta say the NZ passport has saved me from applying for visas and such but its also prevented me from being eligible for funding to pursue further studies. Well, funding from AusAID that is. NZAID allows you but they dont offer distance education. And NZ universities dont offer much variety as the Aussies do.
So im sitting here staring the application forms with a heavy feeling. I keep on reading question 7 over and over hoping that it would somehow change. Nope. Zit. Nada. I just cant. Although I was born in Samoa, raised in Samoa, educated in Samoa ('cept 3 years in Welly where I did my undergrad) and am now working for the government of Samoa (since 2002), just because my father happened to live in NZ for 22 years and got citizenship, passed it on to me, I am not eligible for funding. Definitely no BUTS there.
Oh well. Maybe something else will come up. Just maybe. And I think I feel a bit better now. Just a little bit until I glance over and see the application forms again....arrrgghhh!
I leave you with this beautiful view of Apia.

Hey REesa,
The EWC scholarship applications should be out in August or sometime like that. You couldtry that. There're heaps of scholarships out there, what about the Commonwealth Scholarships? Or, you could just move to New Zealand, get your family citizenship (or at least residency) through your citizenship .... and then go on student loan to fund your further education hehehehe.
Hey Reesa!
Tough luck with that scholarship... I hope your appeal goes well. If it don't well hey... there are other opportunities out there!
Hugs for Ave :)
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